Tuesday, March 30, 2010

MoNsTeR pRoJeCt

The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade ACES just completed the MoNsTeR pRoJeCt!!! We began the project with the students using a graphic program called KidPix to create a MoNsTeR head. Then we had a lesson about adjectives and descriptive writing. Next, the students used a planning page to brainstorm some adjectives that they could use to describe their MoNsTeR. The ACES then used these ideas to write a descriptive paragraph about their MoNsTeR.

Possibly the most exciting part of the project was reading their descriptive paragraph to a partner as they tried to recreate the MoNsTeR using the same program, KidPix!! It was a challenge to only read what was written on the paper and not give any extra hints. The ACES also did a great job of keeping their MoNsTeR's hidden from their friends.

We hope you enjoy the results of our MoNsTeR pRoJeCt and our first attempt at using Voicethread to share our work!