During December, the 1st and 2nd grade ACES participated in a Holiday Card Exchange hosted by Jen Wagner here. I registered our group and we received the names and addresses of 24 classrooms in the United States and Canada. The theme this year was GiNgErBrEaD mEn! So . . . we made these cute cards to send.
The idea came from Family Fun Magazine. We used colored dots and reinforcement circles to decorate our houses. We wrote messages inside the houses and added gingerbread boys and girls. We also had an information sheet to complete about our school and town. The ACES were proud of their creations!
The students were each assigned to a classroom. I made a map of the United States and we found all the towns and cities using Google Earth. Everyone added a star with their name and we waited for the cards to arrive.
The kids had a great time reading about all the classrooms that were part of the exchange and looking at all the cards! We not only had fun, but also learned about geography!
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